



Drive innovations in the field of low-power technologies

Contributor Guide

In this blog, you'll find a detailed guide on how to contribute to the OpenEPT project software via its official GitHub repository

Git Contributor Guide

Welcome to our Git Contributor Guide! This document outlines the steps to effectively contribute to our project. Please follow these guidelines to ensure a smooth collaboration process.

1. Fork the Repository

To start contributing, fork the main repository to your own GitHub account:

1. Navigate to the repository you want to contribute to.

2. Click the **Fork** button in the upper-right corner. (This is example for OpenEPT/FEPLib repo)

3. This will create a copy of the repository under your GitHub account.

2. Clone the Forked Repository

Once the repository is forked, clone it to your local machine:

# Replace <your-username> with your GitHub username
git clone<your-username>/<repository-name>.git
cd <repository-name>

3. Create a New Branch

Before making changes, create a new branch based on the type of contribution:

- For new features, name the branch `feature/<name>`.

- For bug fixes, name the branch `bug/<name>`.

To create a branch:

# Replace <branch-name> with your branch name
# Example for a feature: feature/apard32690_lib
# Example for a bug fix: bug/fix_esp12e_lib
git checkout -b <branch-name>

4. Make Your Changes

Make the necessary changes to your branch. Test thoroughly to ensure your contribution does not introduce new issues.

5. Commit Your Changes

Once your changes are ready, stage and commit them:

git add .
# Write a descriptive commit message
git commit -m "Description of the changes made"

6. Push Your Changes to Your Fork

Push the changes to your forked repository:

# Push the branch to your fork
git push origin <branch-name>

7. Create a Pull Request

1. Navigate to your forked repository on GitHub.

2. Switch to the branch you just pushed.

3. Click the **Compare & pull request** button.

4. Ensure the base repository is set to the main/master repository and the base branch is `main

5. Provide a descriptive title and detailed description for your pull request.

6. Add appropriate reviewers

7. Submit the pull request.

8. Collaborate on the Review Process

Once the pull request is submitted:

1. Wait for project maintainers to review your changes.

2. Address any feedback provided by making additional commits to your branch.

3. Once approved, the maintainers will merge your changes.

9. Sync with the Main Repository

After your changes are merged, keep your fork updated with the main repository to avoid conflicts:

git remote add upstream<original-owner>/<repository-name>.git
git fetch upstream
git checkout main
git merge upstream/main

Additional Tips

- Follow coding standards and guidelines outlined in the project documentation.

- Keep your branch focused on a single feature or bug fix to simplify the review process.

- Write clear commit messages to explain what and why changes were made.

Thank you for contributing to our project! Your efforts make a big difference.

Dimitrije Lilić
Firmware and Application Developer
Master electrical engineer with five years of experience in embedded systems, firmware, and GUI development. Passionate about innovation, learning, and pushing technological boundaries.
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